Risk Management Services

Risk management since 1898.

At McClure, Bomar & Harris, LLC we are proud to go beyond insurance by offering additional risk management services outside our main lines of insurance coverage.

Learn About Our Risk Guard Process

We provide many products and services in the area of risk management:

The main goal of safety and health programs is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths, as well as the suffering and financial hardship these events,  can cause for workers, their families and employers. Traditional approaches are often reactive –that is, problems are addressed only after a worker is injured or becomes sick, a new standard or regulation is published or an outside inspection finds a problem that must be fixed. MBH helps its clients with a proactive approach to managing workplace safety and health driving down direct and indirect costs.
An OSHA inspection can be both time consuming and expensive. Too often employers are ill-prepared to face the inspection. MBH can help you prepare for an OSHA audit to make the inspection as painless and cost-effective as possible.

Employers use handbooks to provide a consistent set of policies and procedures. They also use handbooks to describe working conditions and the workplace behavior and contributions they expect from employees.

Employers also use the policies in an employee handbook to provide the roadmap to the ethical and legal treatment of employees. They protect themselves from lawsuits, such as harassment claims, wrongful termination claims and discrimination claims. Employee handbooks generally contain a code of conduct for employees that set guidelines around appropriate behavior for the individual workplace.

MBH can help you develop this “first line of defense” against any lawsuit from a disgruntled employee.

Auto insurance is the most rapidly increasing line of insurance coverage in the United States. Auto accidents have proven to be extremely costly to employers. In almost every case, when a driver gets into an accident, you are dealing with both vehicle and—assuming an injury occurred—driver downtime. That adds up quickly.

In fact, fleet vehicle accidents are among the most costly injury claims for a business. The average cost for a single fleet-related accident is around $70,000 and much more in Louisiana, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). That’s almost twice as much as the average workplace injury, which is about $36,000 per injury. Simply put, it is costly to put off implementing a comprehensive fleet safety program.

MBH has effective tools and policies to help clients implement an effective fleet and driver safety program.

Substance abuse is common and the costs of substance abuse are high for employers. Of the 20 million adults classified as having problems with substance dependence or abuse, approximately 12 million (60%) were employed full time. In addition to higher absenteeism and lower job productivity and performance, substance abuse also leads to greater health care expenses for injuries and illnesses.

The employer is key to the success of a drug-free workplace policy, as well as the strategies and programs that support that policy. An effective policy is buoyed by a positive workplace culture, which is sustained by employers espousing the policy.

Workplace leaders must show support and set the right tone for your drug-free workplace efforts. Employees need to understand the rationale for the policy and program in ways that are practical, personally meaningful and relevant to their job responsibilities. When an employer takes this approach, employees are more likely to want to participate.

MBH can help develop a proper substance abuse program for your company to help lessen the effects of this epidemic.

Third-party organizations, such as ISNetworld®, PEC Premier®Avetta®BROWZ®ComplyWorks®Veriforce®,Textura®, and others verify contractors as compliant and safe prior to working. The verification process is involved and often complex and includes detailed online account set-up and written manual requirements. MBH will help you submit the correct information so that you can easily qualify to work with those clients that require this service.
Constantly curious and driven by the desire to always make things better through legal remedies. Therefore, we do not believe in standard solutions or skipping where the fence is lowest.

Successful Solutions

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Years of Experience


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See Services


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A culture based on collaboration

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